Installation ############ .. toctree:: Prerequisites ============= Before installing **ltfatpy** you must check that the following software are installed on your system. For `Debian `_ based Linux systems (including `Ubuntu `_) and `Conda `_ users on Linux and macOS, simple solutions are provided in the section `Installing ltfatpy`_ to easily install the recquired dependencies. Windows users should be able to use `Ubuntu on Windows `_ via the `Windows Subsystem for Linux `_ to be able to run **ltfatpy** on Windows. CMake ----- A version of `cmake `_ >= 2.6 is required to install **ltfatpy**. To install **CMake** follow the instructions given `here `__. Python ------ * Make sure you have **python** >= 2.7 installed. If not follow the instructions from `here `__. * According to your python version, make sure you have **pip** installed. If not follow the instructions from `here `__. For developpers only: * If you need to recompile the whole ltfatpy C kernel interface you have to install **cython** >= 0.21. * It can be installed by following the instructions given `here `__. Scientific Python libraries --------------------------- * You need to have **libfftw3**, development version, installed. * For Debian based Linux systems use:: apt install libfftw3-dev * For macOS based systems, you may use:: sudo port install fftw-3 fftw-3-single * For other systems, please read the documentation of `fftw `_. * You need to have the `LAPACK `_ library. * For Debian based Linux systems use:: apt install liblapack-dev * **ltfatpy** is using **numpy** >= 1.9, **scipy** >= 0.15 and **matplotlib** >= 1.4. For installing those packages read the instructions `here `__. Downloading **ltfatpy** ======================= * The last stable release of **ltfatpy** is available on `PyPI `_. * You can clone the Git repository of **ltfatpy** from `here `__. * Conda packages of **ltfatpy** are available `here `__. Installing **ltfatpy** ====================== From sources ------------ From ltfatpy-x.x.x/ directory use:: pip install . From PyPI --------- Just use:: pip install ltfatpy For Debian based Linux systems ------------------------------ A precompiled **python3-ltfatpy** package is available for Debian Sid and Ubuntu 17.10 and later. It can be installed with:: apt install python3-ltfatpy Alternatively, to compile the package, the following dependencies are required:: apt install --no-install-recommends libdpkg-perl cmake gcc g++ make libfftw3-dev liblapack-dev cython3 python3 python3-dev python3-setuptools python3-pip python3-wheel python3-tk python3-matplotlib python3-scipy The package can then be installed using pip:: pip3 install --no-deps ltfatpy For Conda users --------------- A prebuilt Conda package of **ltfatpy** might already be available for your plateform. You can check `here `__. If it is the case, simply install this Conda package with:: conda install -c anaconda -c conda-forge -c ltfatpy ltfatpy If no prebuilt Conda package is available, the following instructions can be used to install **ltfatpy** in Anaconda using pip. When installing **ltfatpy** in Anaconda, it is important to note that **ltfatpy** is not compatible with the `MKL-powered binary versions `_ of NumPy and SciPy. Therefore, before installing **ltfatpy**, it is necessary to force the installation of the non-MKL version of the NumPy and SciPy Conda packages with:: conda install nomkl numpy scipy To be able to compile **ltfatpy** you need the gcc compiler (or an equivalent on macOS) installed on your computer. For Debian based Linux systems that mean that the following packages must be installed:: apt install --no-install-recommends gcc g++ For macOS that means that you need to install the **Xcode Command Line Tools**. In Anaconda, the **ltfatpy** dependencies can directly be installed as Conda packages. Some needed dependencies are not provided in the main anaconda channel, but they are provided in the conda-forge channel. These dependencies can be installed with the following commands:: conda install cmake make fftw cython six nomkl numpy scipy matplotlib conda install -c conda-forge lapack openblas The **ltfatpy** package can then be installed using pip:: pip install ltfatpy Building documentation with Sphinx ================================== Make sure you have Sphinx installed as described `here `__. Before building documentation you have to install **sphinxcontrib-bibtex**:: pip install sphinxcontrib-bibtex Then you have to use the build_sphinx command:: python build_sphinx If errors occur, make sure you installed ltfatpy before building the sphinx documentation.