Source code for ltfatpy.sigproc.firwin

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# ######### COPYRIGHT #########
# Credits
# #######
# Copyright(c) 2015-2018
# ----------------------
# * `LabEx Archimède <>`_
# * `Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale <>`_
#   (now `Laboratoire d'Informatique et Systèmes <>`_)
# * `Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille <>`_
# * `Université d'Aix-Marseille <>`_
# This software is a port from LTFAT 2.1.0 :
# Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Peter L. Soendergaard <>.
# Contributors
# ------------
# * Denis Arrivault <>
# * Florent Jaillet <>
# Description
# -----------
# ltfatpy is a partial Python port of the
# `Large Time/Frequency Analysis Toolbox <>`_,
# a MATLAB®/Octave toolbox for working with time-frequency analysis and
# synthesis.
# Version
# -------
# * ltfatpy version = 1.0.16
# * LTFAT version = 2.1.0
# Licence
# -------
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# ######### COPYRIGHT #########

""" Module of fir windows calculation

Ported from ltfat_2.1.0/sigproc/firwin.m

.. moduleauthor:: Denis Arrivault

from __future__ import print_function, division

import six

import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.scimath import sqrt as npsqrt

from ltfatpy.sigproc.normalize import normalize

[docs]def firwin(name, M=0, x=None, **kwargs): """ Returns a FIR window of length *M* of type *name*. - Usage: | ``(g, info) = firwin(name, M)`` | ``(g, info) = firwin(name, M,...)`` | ``(g, info) = firwin(name, x)`` - Input parameters: :param str name: is the window. :param int M: is the length of the window :param numpy.ndarray x: is a points vector (default = None) - Output parameters: :returns: ``(g, info)`` :rtype: tuple :var numpy.ndarray g: window values array :var dict info: the information dictionary All windows are symmetric and generate zero delay and zero phase filters. They can be used for the Wilson and WMDCT transform, except when noted otherwise. ``firwin(name, x=numpy.array(...))`` where **x** is a vector will sample the window definition as the specified points. The normal sampling interval for the windows is :math:`-.5< x <.5`. In the following PSL means "Peak Sidelobe level", and the main lobe width is measured in normalized frequencies. If a window **g** forms a "partition of unity" (PU) it means specifically that .. math:: g + \mbox{fftshift}(g) = \mathbf{1}_L A PU can only be formed if the window length is even, but some windows may work for odd lengths anyway. If a window is the square root of a window that forms a PU, the window will generate a tight Gabor frame / orthonormal Wilson/WMDCT basis if the number of channels is less than **M**. - The windows available are: =========== ========================================================= 'hann' von Hann window. Forms a PU. The Hann window has a mainlobe with of 8/M, a PSL of -31.5 dB and decay rate of 18 dB/Octave. 'sine' Sine window. This is the square root of the Hanning window. The sine window has a mainlobe width of 8/M, a PSL of -22.3 dB and decay rate of 12 dB/Octave. - Aliases: `'cosine'`, `'sqrthann'` 'rect' (Almost) rectangular window. The rectangular window has a mainlobe width of 4/M, a PSL of -13.3 dB and decay rate of 6 dB/Octave. Forms a PU if the order is odd. - Alias: `'square'` 'tria' (Almost) triangular window. Forms a PU. - Alias: `'bartlett'` 'sqrttria' Square root of the triangular window. 'hamming' Hamming window. Forms a PU that sums to 1.08 instead of 1.0 as usual. The Hamming window has a mainlobe width of 8/M, a PSL of -42.7 dB and decay rate of 6 dB/Octave. This window should not be used for a Wilson basis, as a reconstruction window cannot be found by `wildual`. 'blackman' Blackman window. The Blackman window has a mainlobe width of 12/M, a PSL of -58.1 dB and decay rate of 18 dB/Octave. 'blackman2' Alternate Blackman window. This window has a mainlobe width of 12/M, a PSL of -68.24 dB and decay rate of 6 dB/Octave. 'itersine' Iterated sine window. Generates an orthonormal Wilson/WMDCT basis. This window is described in Wesfreid and Wickerhauser (1993) and is used in the ogg sound codec. - Alias: `'ogg'` 'nuttall' Nuttall window. The Nuttall window has a mainlobe width of 16/M, a PSL of -93.32 dB and decay rate of 18 dB/Octave. 'nuttall10' 2-term Nuttall window with 1 continuous derivative. - Alias: `'hann'`, `'hanning'`. 'nuttall01' 2-term Nuttall window with 0 continuous derivatives. This is a slightly improved Hamming window. It has a mainlobe width of 8/M, a PSL of -43.19 dB and decay rate of 6 dB/Octave. 'nuttall20' 3-term Nuttall window with 3 continuous derivatives. The window has a mainlobe width of 12/M, a PSL of -46.74 dB and decay rate of 30 dB/Octave. 'nuttall11' 3-term Nuttall window with 1 continuous derivative. The window has a mainlobe width of 12/M, a PSL of -64.19 dB and decay rate of 18 dB/Octave. 'nuttall02' 3-term Nuttall window with 0 continuous derivatives. The window has a mainlobe width of 12/M, a PSL of -71.48 dB and decay rate of 6 dB/Octave. 'nuttall30' 4-term Nuttall window with 5 continuous derivatives. The window has a mainlobe width of 16/M, a PSL of -60.95 dB and decay rate of 42 dB/Octave. 'nuttall21' 4-term Nuttall window with 3 continuous derivatives. The window has a mainlobe width of 16/M, a PSL of -82.60 dB and decay rate of 30 dB/Octave. 'nuttall12' 4-term Nuttall window with 1 continuous derivatives. - Alias: `'nuttall'`. 'nuttall03' 4-term Nuttall window with 0 continuous derivatives. The window has a mainlobe width of 16/M, a PSL of -98.17 dB and decay rate of 6 dB/Octave. =========== ========================================================= - Additional keywords arguments: ``firwin`` understands the following keyword arguments at the end of the list of input: **shift** = s Shift the window by :math:`s` samples. The value can be a fractional number. **centering** = 'wp' or 'hp' Point even output type : whole or half point even. Whole point even is the default. It corresponds to a shift of :math:`s=0`. Half point even is the convention of most Matlab filter routines. It corresponds to a shift of :math:`s=-.5` **taper** = t Extend the window by a flat section in the middle. The argument t is the ratio of the rising and falling parts as compared to the total length of the window. The default value of 1 means no tapering. Accepted values lie in the range from 0 to 1. Additionally, ``firwin`` accepts flags to normalize the output. Please see the help of :py:meth:`~ltfatpy.sigproc.normalize`. Default is to use no normalization. For filtering in the time-domain, a normalization of `'1'` or `'area'` is preferable. .. seealso:: :func:`~ltfatpy.fourier.pgauss.pgauss`, :func:`pbspline`, :func:`firkaiser`, :func:`~ltfatpy.sigproc.normalize.normalize` - References: :cite:`opsc89,harris1978,nuttall1981,wesfreid1993` """ info = {} g = None if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("First argument must be a string containing the name" + " of a window") if isinstance(M, float): M = int(M) if not isinstance(M, six.integer_types): raise TypeError("Second argument must be an integer containing the" + " length of the window") # Always set to this info['isfir'] = True # Default values, may be overwritten later in the code info['ispu'] = False info['issqpu'] = False name = name.lower() # Define initial value for flags and key/value pairs. shift = 0 if 'shift' in kwargs: shift = kwargs['shift'] if 'centering' in kwargs: if kwargs['centering'] == 'hp': shift = .5 taper = 1 if 'taper' in kwargs: if kwargs['taper'] < 1 and kwargs['taper'] >= 0: taper = kwargs['taper'] if M == 0 and x is None: return (g, info) Xdefined = True if x is None: # Deal with tapering Xdefined = False if taper == 0: # Window is only tapering, do this and bail out, because subsequent # code may fail. return (np.ones(M), info) # Modify M to fit with tapering Morig = M M = int(np.round(M * taper)) Mtaper = Morig - M p1 = int(np.round(Mtaper / 2)) p2 = Mtaper - p1 # Switch centering if necessary if p1 != p2: if shift == 0: shift = .5 elif shift == .5: shift = 1 # This is the normally used sampling vector. if (M % 2) == 0: # For even M the sampling interval is [-.5,.5-1/M] # Matlab : [0:1/M:.5-1/M,-.5:1/M:-1/M]' x = np.r_[0:.5:1/M, -.5:0:1/M] else: # For odd M the sampling interval is [-.5+1/(2M),.5-1/(2M)] # Matlab : x = [0:1/M:.5-.5/M,-.5+.5/M:1/M:-1/M]' x = np.r_[0:.5:1/M, -.5+.5/M:-.5/M:1/M] x = x + shift / M else: if M != 0 and M != len(x): raise ValueError("M should be equel to len(x).") M = len(x) do_sqrt = False if name in {'hanning', 'hann', 'nuttall10'}: g = (.5 + .5 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * x)) info['ispu'] = True elif name in {'sine', 'cosine', 'sqrthann'}: g = firwin('hanning', M, **kwargs)[0] info['issqpu'] = True do_sqrt = True elif name == 'hamming': g = 0.54 + 0.46 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) # This is the definition taken from the Harris paper # elif name is 'hammingacc' # g = 25/46 + 21/46 * np.cos(2 * np.pi *x) elif name == 'nuttall01': g = 0.53836 + 0.46164 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) elif name in {'square', 'rect'}: g = np.asarray(np.abs(x) < .5, dtype='f8') elif name in {'tria', 'triangular', 'bartlett'}: g = 1.0 - 2.0 * np.abs(x) info['ispu'] = True elif name == 'sqrttria': arg_centering = {} # if 'shift' in kwargs: # arg_centering['shift'] = kwargs['shift'] if 'centering' in kwargs: arg_centering['centering'] = kwargs['centering'] g = firwin('tria', M, **arg_centering)[0] info['issqpu'] = True do_sqrt = True # Rounded version of blackman2 elif name == 'blackman': g = 0.42 + 0.5 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) + 0.08 * np.cos(4 * np.pi * x) elif name == 'blackman2': g = 7938/18608 + 9240/18608 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) + 1430/18608 * \ np.cos(4 * np.pi * x) elif name in {'nuttall', 'nuttall12'}: g = 0.355768 + 0.487396 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) + 0.144232 * \ np.cos(4 * np.pi * x) + 0.012604 * np.cos(6 * np.pi * x) elif name in {'itersine', 'ogg'}: g = np.sin(np.pi / 2 * np.cos(np.pi * x)**2) info['issqpu'] = True elif name == 'nuttall20': g = 3/8 + 4/8 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) + 1/8 * np.cos(4 * np.pi * x) elif name == 'nuttall11': g = 0.40897 + 0.5 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) + 0.09103 * \ np.cos(4 * np.pi * x) elif name == 'nuttall02': g = 0.4243801 + 0.4973406 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) + 0.0782793 * \ np.cos(4 * np.pi * x) elif name == 'nuttall30': g = 10/32 + 15/32 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) + 6/32 * \ np.cos(4 * np.pi * x) + 1/32 * np.cos(6 * np.pi * x) elif name == 'nuttall21': g = 0.338946 + 0.481973 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) + 0.161054 * \ np.cos(4 * np.pi * x) + 0.018027 * np.cos(6 * np.pi * x) elif name == 'nuttall03': g = 0.3635819 + 0.4891775 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) + 0.1365995 * \ np.cos(4 * np.pi * x) + 0.0106411 * np.cos(6 * np.pi * x) else: raise ValueError('Unknown window: ' + name + '.') # Force the window to 0 outside (-.5,.5) g = g * np.array(np.abs(x) < .5, dtype=int) if not Xdefined and taper < 1: # Perform the actual tapering. g = np.hstack((np.ones(p1), g, np.ones(p2))) # Do sqrt if needed. if do_sqrt: g = npsqrt(g) if 'norm' in kwargs: g = normalize(g, norm=kwargs['norm'])[0] # else: # g = normalize(g, norm = 'null')[0] return (g, info)
if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover (g, info) = firwin(name='sine', M=18, centering='wp') print(g) print(info)